O’Melveny Worldwide

Hannah Chanoine

Partner, Co-Chair, Consumer Class Actions
In a few short words, what does DE&I mean to you?

DE&I is all about paying attention to what human beings naturally do—we take shortcuts. We make assumptions about people, situations, and circumstances based on our limited lived experience in an attempt to move through the world quickly. Those shortcuts, though, can be harmful and result in what I call diminished margins for the benefit of doubt: based on what one believes they know about a person or community, they are either more or less likely to extend the benefit of doubt to that person. Based on how Black people are portrayed in the media, for example, one might make generalized assumptions about Black people they interact with in their own lives, subsequently diminishing the benefit of doubt they would extend to that person. DE&I reminds us that the benefit of doubt should be extended equitably; one’s identity or background should not be precursors for how they are treated.

How does O’Melveny engage with underrepresented groups, such as women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and individuals with disabilities, to ensure that their perspectives are heard and their needs are met?

When it comes to engaging with underrepresented groups, there isn’t a one-size fits all framework that works within law firms—DE&I should be approached on multiple fronts. The tone from the top is one dimension: how is the firm talking about DE&I--is there programming and engagement that accompanies public statements and commitments—and do people feel genuinely supported? Another dimension is personal leadership responsibility: how do I as a leader construct diverse teams and engage with them in ways that create meaningful opportunities that enhance their experience of inclusivity? A final dimension is direct communication: in my one on one interactions, how am I learning about people to better understand their background—and, subsequently, the mosaic of backgrounds across our colleagues at the firm?

How have you seen DE&I priorities grow at O’Melveny throughout your tenure at the firm?

O’Melveny’s commitment to DE&I has vastly expanded alongside robust societal change–but the firm’s current approach is bolstered in part by fervent, active allies. At the forefront of meaningful DE&I strategy are not only underrepresented colleagues, but majority group allies who are committed to expanding access to the profession. I am immensely proud to call these allies my fellow partners and I’m grateful for where O’Melveny is, due in large part to their selfless dedication to DE&I.